Friday, January 1, 2010

this new year will suck... tahun baru kali ini gak seru...

So, I'm pissed... yeah...
I guess I could have went to a concert with Brian and his friends, but I guess I'm not really in the mood to go to concerts today. Suddenly a friend of mine invited me to hang out for New Year's eve and apparently I can't go because the rules says that I can't go to parties or whatever... without adult supervision. Yeah, my host mom is nice, but sometimes I just wish she'd stop being a mom... agh...

Gw sebel... gitu deh...
Mungkin gw bisa ke konser sama Brian dan teman-temannya, tapi entah kenapa gw lagi gak mau nonton konser. Terus teman gw ngajak nongkrong buat tahun baru... tapi gw gak boleh sama mom gw karena ada peraturan kalo gw gak boleh ke pesta ato apapun... tanpa orang tua yang ngejaga... agh... Mom gw baik sih... cuma kadang-kadang gw capek kalo dia terus jadi kayak ibu-ibu...

Monday, August 3, 2009


Today I was told to make a 'to-bring-list' by my parents. And while doing so, I remembered something. All of our visa, in the 'entry' section, it is written 'M'. Logically, if we were only allowed single entry, it should be written 'S'. But it was written 'M'... does it mean 'Multiple'?

Hari ini gw disuruh bikin daftar bawaan sama orang tua. Di tengah-tengah gw ingat sesuatu. Visa kita semua, di bagian 'entry', tertulis 'M'. Logikanya, kalau kita cuma boleh masuk satu kali, tulisannya 'S - Single'. Tapi ini 'M'... 'Multiple' kah? Tiba-tiba...

Men! I'm so happy! Hopefully I'll get a chance to visit other countries, to the neighbouring ones of course. AMIN!

Gila gw senang banget. Semoga ada kesempatan keluar negeri, menyebrang ke tetangga. AMIN!

Friday, July 31, 2009

Mereka Bilang, Saya Monyet! (2007)

At last, today I've finished watching this film. On my first time, I got too tired and I had to raise the white flag. But, when I watched it again, it was better than before!

"They Say I'm a Monkey!" is adapted from a series of different short stories written by Djenar Maesa Ayu, who also directed, produced, and wrote the script for this movie. Are you tired miss Djen? I know I am writing this haha.

Even though I've never read her short stories (although I plan to), from this film I can vaguely see that she is very serious when she writes. It can be seen in a glance, her 'to the point' style but full of metaphore. Not only seen in her story but also in the picture, the storytelling, even the background music which by the way blends ever so beautifully.

Should I post a spoiler of this film? It is my duty! :p SO~ This film tell a story of a young woman called Adjeng. Her life, which actually runs smoothly, keeps on weighing on
him. It's because her bad childhood keeps shadowing her. Well, that's all. BUT, this film really stabs through.

Sutradara / DirectorDjenar Maesa Ayu
Produser / ProducerDjenar Maesa Ayu
Riyadh Assegaf
Penulis / WriterDjenar Maesa Ayu
Indra Herlambang
Pemeran / ActorsTiti Sjuman
Henidar Amroe
Ray Sahetapy
Bucek Depp
Jajang C. Noer
Agus Melasz
Arswendo Atmowiloto
Indra Herlambang
Joko Anwar
Ayu Dewi
Fairuz Faisal
Mario Lawalata
Nadya Rompies
Banyu Bening
Rilis / Date of Release28 Desember 2007
Durasi / Duration90 menit

Akhirnya hari ini gw selesai nonton film ini. Pertama kali gw mencoba nonton, gw capek di tengah-tengah terus mengalah. Tapi setelah gw tonton ulang, lebih seru dari yang gw kira.

'Mereka Bilang, Saya Monyet!' sendiri diadaptasi dari beberapa cerpen karangan Djenar Maesa Ayu, yang juga menyutradarai, memproduserkan, dan menulis naskah. Capek mbak djen? Saya yang ngetik juga capek hehe.

Kalaupun gw belum baca kumpulan cerpennya (kalaupun gw ada niat untuk baca cerpennya), dari film ini bisa dilihat kalau dia sangat serius dalam menulis, sekilas dapat terlihat gayanya yang 'to the point' tapi penuh dengan metafora. Bukan hanya dari ceritanya, namun dari pengambilan gambar, penyampaian cerita, hingga musik latar belakang yang berpadu dengan sangat baik.

Perlukah gw membeberkan inti cerita? Ini kewajiban gw :p... JADI~ Film ini menceritakan perjuangan hidup seorang wanita muda bernama Adjeng. Namun hidup dia, yang sebenarnya berjalan mulus, terasa memberatkan dirinya. Hal ini dikarenakan ia terus dibayangi oleh masa kecilnya yang sangat amat tidak bahagia. Sebenarnya, cuma itu. TAPI, film ini menusuk parah.

Thursday, July 30, 2009

Another Post, After So Long... Post Lagi, Setelah Sekian Lama...

Ah, at last I just had a "calling" to continue this blog... Honestly, I haven't been posting because I was playing WoW all the time. Stupid addictive game...

Today I didn't go to school, AGAIN. Because I had a NACEL dance practice. Now what is NACEL, please open this. Other than that, my sister also had some visitors. Her friends came and together they were going to visit places on the busway (what is the definitive english word for Indonesia's jalan-jalan and French's se promener?). But, when they came back, it was the exact time when I was practicing a dance! o.O And when I was practicing the very beautiful and too effiminate dance "Cinta Indonesia", they saw me! O.o. O woe is me...

Tomorow I'm going to take the TOEFL test with my friend Sabrina. Actually, I was never asked to do the test by NACEL but an alumni told us that his TOEFL helped him getting his diploma. And so here I am, missing another day of school because I have to take a test. A week of no school, nice...

Before all of my friends went home, we had time to open Zarfan's blog. We all laughed so hard because all he talk about is NACEL. And ironically, he hasn't got a host yet even though he prayed so hard. Good luck fan, and sorry I told everyone about you blog, now your blog has become a hot topic. And I pray, that no alumni will read it. haha.

Ah, akhirnya gw ada 'dorongan' untuk ngelanjutin blog ini... Jujur gw jarang nge post gara-gara... WOW hahaha. Dasar game online adiktif ngebuat orang sakau kalau gak main...

Hari ini gw gak sekolah, karena ada latihan NACEL, apa itu NACEL? Silahkan lihat di sini. Selain itu, kakak gw juga lagi punya tamu. Teman-temannya datang dan mereka mau jalan-jalan naik busway. Tapi, pas mereka balik, gw lagi latihan nari! Dan pas banget gw lagi nari "Cinta Indonesia" yang kalaupun sangat patriotik namun gerakan nya indah nan gemulai :p. GW DILIATIN AGHHH malu aku malu haha.

Besok gw bakal tes TOEFL di... entah mana, sama Sabrina. Sebenarnya, dari kemarin-kemarin gak pernah ada kewajiban mengambil tes itu, tapi kata alumni, TOEFL membantu dalam proses mendapatkan diploma. Tatkala (uhuy), gw tes deh besok pagi-pagi~. Akhirnya seminggu bolos nih haha.

Sebelum semua anak pulang latihan, kita sempat-sempatnya ngebuka blog nya zarfan. Kita semua ketawa kebahak-bahak karena topik utama blog dia adalah NACEL. Ironisnya, dia belum dapat host family kalaupun sudah solat tahajud... good luck fan, dan maaf gw bocorin blog lo, sekarang blog lo menjadi pembicaraan hangat. Semoga kak alumni tidak membuka haha.

Monday, June 15, 2009

New Macbook... Macbook Baru...

So I haven’t written a lot of stuff lately. Lately I’ve been distracted with... online games and also The Sims 3! Omg, these games are just to addicting for me. It has been a week since I start playing them non-stop. Like, I know I have to stop but then again it’s such a guilty pleasure :p

So 2 days ago my father came home with, A MACBOOK. Yay! Happy me. But what a surprise when I heard that this was for my mother! My god, I can’t even imagine my mom with any kind of computer, but a macbook?! Phew... Today me and my father, we went to The Ambasador Mall to buy some programs for the new mac.

Akhir-akhir ini gw jarang nulis di blog. Gara-gara... game online, dan Sims 3. Gila game-game beginian candu banget, enak bagai ganja tapi gak bisa berhentinya :p. Udah seminggu gw main-main, gak berhenti lagi! Gw tahu harus berhenti, cuma udah candu haduh...

Dua hari yang lalu bokap gw pulang membawa, MACBOOK. YES! Seru-seru... Tapi gw kaget parah, karena itu buat nyokab gw! O.o Gila, gw gak bisa bayangin nyokab gw pake macbook. Dan akhirnya gw sama bokap gw hunting dvd buat mac hehe.


One of the best part of having a mac, is the user friendly, PHOTOBOX!! Me and my sister just couldn’t resist but to try it ourselves.

Salah satu yang paling seru dari macbook adalah, PHOTOBOX!! Gw sama kakak gw gak tahan dan akhirnya kita main-main hehe.

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Paris, Je T'Aime (continued)

Quais de Seine (Ve arrondissement)

I like this short film because it shows how love doesn't care about backgrounds. A young man is hanging out with his friend. His friends like to taunt women passing by. Then, the young man finds friendship with a young Muslim woman. Simple, but the moral

Film pendek ini gw suka karena menunjukan cinta tidak melihat latar belakang. Seorang pemuda nongkrong dengan temen-temennya. Temen-temen dia suka ngegoda cewek lewat. Sang pemuda lalu menemukan hubungan dengan seorang muslimah. Simpel, tapi pesannya menusuk!

Bastille (XIIe arrondissement)

A man is prepared to have a divorce when his wife showed him the docter's report. SHE HAS LEUKIMIA?! dum dum dum~?! Then, he decides to stay with his wife. After pretending to be a man in love, he once again become a man in love.
This film depicts its story in a very... different yet cool way! Serious through and through but you'll laugh at the small slapstick jokes it has!

Seorang om-om udah mau mencerai istrinya, tiba-tiba istrinya memperlihatkan kertas dokter. DIA KENA LEUKIMA STADIUM AKHIR?! dum dum dum~?! Lalu ia memilih untuk mendampingi istrinya. Setelah berpura-pura menjadi orang yang jatuh cinta, akhirnya ia pun menjadi orang yang jatuh cinta.
Ini film menggunakan cara penyampaian yang... keren parah! Serius sepanjang film tapi selalu diselipin lelucon slapstick yang kocak!

Tour Eiffel (VIIe arrondissement)

This film is written and directed by a French animator. It's a love story of the parents of a kid. Both parents are mimes. This film very funny because it shows us a character who simply wants to find happiness in the society.

Film yang satu ini ditulis dan disutradarai oleh seorang animator. Menceritakan kisah cinta kedua orang tua seorang anak kecil. Keduanya pantomim. Film ini kocak banget karena memperlihatkan karakter pantomim yang berusaha menemukan kebahagiaan diantara manusia biasa.

Place des fetes (XIXe arrondissement)

A Nigerian-French men is dying and is being treated by a woman paramedic. It turns out that he has fallen in love with here some time previously. By the time she realizes, he died. She held the coffe cups in her hand that he previously asked for them, she was crying.
In the begining, it was rather biased, the story. But in the end, it was a very touching and sad film. Rarely I felt so bad looking at 2 cups of coffe.

Seorang pria Nigeria-Prancis, sekarat dan sedang dirawat seorang paramedis wanita. Ternyata ia telah lama jatuh cinta pada pandangan pertama pada dahulu kala. Pada akhirnya pria tersebut mati, dan wanita itu telat sadar. Dengan sedih ia memegang dua gelas kopi yang dipesan pria tersebut untuk mereka berdua.
Pada awalnya, film ini tidak jelas. Namun pada akhirnya, film ini sedih banget. Jarang-jarangnya gw ngerasa begitu sedih ngeliat 2 gelas kopi.

Quartier de la Madeleine (VIIIe arrondissement)

This one, is honestly very cool! Because, it's black and white (plus a bit of red, etc). The theme is vampire love~ but much better than *cough* TWILIGHT *cough* (eventhough I haven't watched it yet haha)
One late night, a backpacker saw a vampiress biting (and killing) her victim. OMG~ Then he was ambushed by her, but they were lovestrucked with each other. The vampiress wanted to leave, but then the backpacker took a broken bottle, cut his hand, and offers his blood to her. She refused. OH NO! His blood won't stop flowing! Shocked, he fell off a stair and hit his head hard. He was dying in a pool of blood. But before he died, the vapiress gave here blood to him. And so he lived on as a vampire. In the end they 'kissed', aka the bit each others neck. AWW~ SO SWEET~

Yang satu ini, jujur keren abis. Soalny hitam putih (ya tambah dikit warna merah dll). Temanya cinta vampir, tapi jauh lebih keren dari *uhuk2* twilight *uhuk2* (padahal belom nonton haha).
Suatu malam, seorang backpacker melihat seorang vampir menyerang mangsa manusia, kaget dong~ hehe. Terus, dia juga dikagetin sama itu vampir! Tapi, setelah saling tatap, mereka kayak saling terkesima. Vampirnya pergi, tapi backpackernya malah ngambil pecahan botol, ngiris tangannya, dan nawarin. Tapi vampirnya gak sudi. EH! Luka di tangannya gak nutup! Darahnya bocor haha. Terus dia shock, jatoh ke tangga, dan sekarat berdarah-darah. Sebelom mati, vampir itu ngasih darahnya ke mulut dia. Alhasil dia tetep hidup, cuma jadi vampir juga. Mereka akhirnya 'ciuman', alias saling menggigit leher masing-masing. AWWW~ LUTCHU NAH~

Faubourg Saint-Denis (Xe arrondissement)

A blind man, mistakenly believed that his girlfriend is braking up with him. Then he had a flashback of the times they had. Their first encounter, getting closer, loving each other, and the decline of their relationship.
This film shows the paranoia of the blind man with such power. We can really feel the emotional shock that is happening with him.

Seorang pria buta, salah mengira bahwa pacarnya ingin memutuskannya. Lalu ia membayangkan kembali masa-masa mereka bertemu, makin dekat, saling mencintai, hingga mulai menjauh.
Film ini benar-benar menunjukan paranoia dari pria buta tersebut. Dan kita dapat merasakan betapa terguncang emosinya pada saat itu.

I wanted to write more of the movies, but there is so much!

Gw pengen sih nulis lebih banyak lagi, tapi males banget!



oh senang nya, so happy!

17 seventeen 17 tujuhbelas 17 seventeen 17 tujuhbelas 17

nb. update buat paris je t'aime gw postpone... tapi dah gw siap2 kok hehe
ps. the updates for paris je t'aime is postponed... but i've written some of it :D