Sunday, May 31, 2009

Study Attempt 1... Mencoba Belajar 1...

Last year me and my friends studied together before last year's test. Honestly, last time I never thought that it would be fun to study together. And that's why I studied for a whole week, effectively. Usually I don't study at all. lol.

This year, I intend to study together everyday for the whole week. But today's lesson was not so good. Or maybe it was just me. I know I was not in the mood to study. The others were enthusiastic, unlike me. Oh what's wrong with me...

Today one of my grandmother (don't know how to explain it, let's just say relatives). As I was writing the Bahasa Indonesia part of this post, I was at the gathering. May she rest in peace.

I just realized, that I update this blog a little too much. Much like the first time I used my Twitter. But now I never open it anymore. Hopefully this blog won't suffer such fate.

Tahun lalu gw sama temen-temen gw belajar sama-sama sebelum ujian. Jujur gw waktu itu gak nyangka bakal jadi seru banget belajarnya. Alhasil, gw seminggu belajar dengan rajin padahal biasanya gw gak belajar sama sekali.

Tahun ini gw juga berniat untuk belajar sama-sama seminggu ini. Tapi hari ini, harus gw akui belajarnya kurang kondusif. Atau gak, gw nya aja yang lagi malas belajar. Yang lain cukup niat, gw gak. Aduh ada apa sih gw...

Hari ini nenek jauh gw wafat. Inna lillahi wa inna illaihi rajiun. Sekarang juga gw lagi di rumah beliau. Semoga Tuhan menerima beliau di sisiNya.

Gw jg sadar, kayaknya gw sedikit keseringan nge-update blog gw. Jadi teringat masa-masa pertama kali Twitter. Tapi sayangnya gw dah gak pernah nge-update twitter lagi. Semoga kali ini gak berhenti begitu aja.

Waiting In A Busway Shelter... Menunggu di Halte Busway...

Today, i'm going to study for tomorow's test. Me and some of my friends are going to rendez-vous at Ais's house. Irvin is suppose to pick of up by now. Where the hell is he? So here i am stuck in here, little ol' me and my iPod (and my bag and phone).

Hari ini gw mw belajar, bsok UAS. Bersama dengan beberapa teman gw, kita mw ngumpul di rumah Ais. Harusnya sih sekarang Irvin udah sampe buat ngejemput gw. Tapi kenyataannya gw terpaksa duduk sendiri. Sendiri dengan iPod ku tersayang (dan juga dengan tas, hp, dll).


Virgin 2 Bukan Film Porno (2009)

Prologue... Prolog

Although I would love to go on with the movie, it seems unethical to skip today's story. Who am I kidding? I just want to do so.

Saturday started a little late. Woke up early even though I was supposed to go to the dentist. This and that happened, and doctor's appointment was canceled. So Saturday went on with playing World of Warcraft all day long. With the occasional meal and bathroom stops. But today I already planned on going to a CISV meeting at City Loft, Sudirman. The meeting went well, although it felt like the Krakatau Chapter was very much more active. Perhaps it was our larger number at the time that it intimidated the Cendrawasih Chapter.

It was fun to meet with some new and old faces of CISV. I got to meet my cousin again, Mila. Who I've rarely seen since she moved. And with her I've had updates about her and her family.

After the meeting, me and some friends of mine (Bayu, Marsha, Andrew, Irman, Ferdy) decided to go out to eat dinner together. We went to Sumpit which is located in City Walk, ordered food, and I ate the slowest. As usual. We decided to watched a movie someplace. And after all the bickering and scheduele check, we went to Metropole XXI to watch Virgin 2 Bukan Film Porno (tr. Perawan 2 Not A Porno).

Kalaupun gw pengennya langsung nulis tentang filmnya, gw rasa gak sopan untuk ngelewatin cerita hari ini. Tapi bohong, gw emang pengen.

Hari Sabtu ini dimulai agak telat, karena bangun telat. Padahal harusnya gw ke dokter gigi. Setelah ini itu, gw gak jadi ke dokter gigi. Jadi Sabtu lewat dengan gw main WoW seharian. Tentunya dengan istirahat makan dan wc. Tapi hari ini gw udah berencana pergi ke rapat CISV di City Loft, Sudirman. Rapatnya lumayan, tapi perasaan gw ato Chapter Krakatau lebih aktif. Munkin gara-gara kita lebih banyak waktu itu sampe Chapter Cendrawasih nya takut, hehe.

Seru juga ketemu wajah baru dan lama dari CISV. Gw juga ketemu sepupu yang dah lama gak ketemu, Mila. Kita dah lama gak ketemu sejak dia pindah rumah. Dan dari dia gw dpt gossip2 baru keluarganya.

Setelah rapat, gw sama teman-teman gw (Bayu, Marsha, Andrew, Irman, Ferdy) pengen makan malam sama-sama. Jadi kita ke Sumpit, pesan makan, dan gw makan paling lama. Seperti biasa. Kita akhirnya juga pengen pergi nonton di bioskop. Setelah bicara-bicara dan ngelihat jadwal, kita pergi ke Metropole XXI untuk nonton Virgin 2 Bukan Film Porno.

my opinion of... opini gw tentang...
"Virgin 2 Bukan Film Porno (2009)"

At start, I was curious to watch this movie. I heard that the first one was very good. Although Marsha seemed to think otherwise. I simply needed to see it for myself.

The film was neither good nor bad. I can see that the producer and the director tried to make a different type of sex movie. Not like the
sex comedies that precedes 'Quickee Express'. But overall It was a disappointment.

It was easy to guess that some scenes will show sex scenes, vague ones of course. But, some sex scenes are just too much of horny-old-guys. And when the main characters are about to be
gang-banged, it was hard not to laugh at the expression of all the men staring at what was suppose to be her vagina, it looked as if they were (to quote Marsha) "a mutated monkey" (what are the odds of a mutated monkey, sitting on the pelvis of a woman).

The dialogue was very minimal. It was awkward to hear them chat. And it gets worse because the actors (mainly actresses) are just so bad when they speak. Although their acting was a little bit better when they didn't talk at all. Perhaps it would be better if it were a silent movie. But there was one (that you should know :p) scene that struck me so hard, at my funny bone. It was when one of the girls visited her boyfriend in the prison, her boyfriend begged for forgiveness, and cried. It was one of the most annoying cry I have ever seen. And to top it all up, the hugged between a large desk, which makes them looked so awkward. My writing skill are not adequate enough to give a picture. It looked like they have fallen asleep on the desk, but with arms curled around.

I feel that their camera approach was commendable, some of the time. And the music was quite enjoyable, some of the time. And I just have to hate the script. Especially the fact that they didn't expose one character enough. The one character that has an interesting persona, and a clearly explained background. She was a mute girl, that looked rich since she was walking around with an expensive looking headphone, and a very cool vespa. But her life was dark. I mean really! Her story alone could easily make a great novel. And yet they chose to expose more sex scenes. I blame the world.

In the end, me and my friends got out the studio with a disappointed face, but filled with laughter of course. We realized that we wasted Rp 25.000 on tickets. And I wasted perfectly good popcorn on a definitely not perfect movie. And no, I will not give numeral ratings, such a cliche.

PS. The main character was such an annoying, sad, cry baby and was acted badly, that I missed the mute girl even more.

Awalnya, gw penasaran sama film ini. Gw denger kalo yang pertama bagus. Tapi Marsha gak setuju, dia bilang jelek. Yang penting, gw harus cari tahu sendiri.

Film ini gak baik ataupun buruk. Yang pasti kelihat adalah kalau produser dan sutradaranya mencoba untuk membuat film sex yang berbeda. Gak kayak komedi seks yang mengikuti 'Quickee Express'. Tapi secara keseluruhan, film ini mengecewakan.

Film ini dipenuhi dengan banyak adegan ranjang walaupun hanya diperlihatkan sebagian, gak kaget sih. Tapi beberapa adegan seks terlalu penuh dengan wajah om-om hidung belang. Lalu pada saat karakter-karakter utama akan dijadikan mainan beberapa om-om, susah untuk gak ketawa saat melihat ekspresi mereka saat melihat bagian pinggan wanita tersebut. Mereka seperti (seperti kata Marsha) "monyet bermutasi" (memang ya seringkali monyet-monyet itu suka duduk diatas pinggang cewek, dasar monyet bermutasi).

Naskahnya sangat minimal. Aneh banget waktu mereka bicara. Dan parahnya, aktor-aktrisnya memang gak bisa bicara. Tapi waktu mereka diam sepertinya terlihat lebih baik. Mungkin kalau film ini menjadi film bisu akan menjadi lebih bagus. Tapi ada satu (yang seharunsnya kamu tahu :p) adegan yang sangat mengguncang... perut. Yaitu saat satu cewek menjenguk cowoknya di penjara. Cowoknya meminta maaf atas segala kesalahannya, dan menangis. Suatu tangisan yang norak dan lama-lama menjengkelkan. Dan lebih lagi, mereka berpelukan, diantara meja yang cukup besar. Terlihat sangat aneh, freak, norak, alay, lebay, dan lain-lain. Susah dijelasin, kurang lebih seperti dua orang yang ketiduran di atas meja hadap-hadapan sambil berpelukan.

Gw rasa pendekatan kamera mereka patut dihargai, kadang-kadang. Dan musiknya cukup menarik, kadang-kadang. Tapi naskahnya, gak ada pilihan selain membencinya. Apalagi mereka membataskan sebuah karakter. Satu karakter yang sangat menarik dan berlatar belakang jelas. Ia adalah seorang cewek bisu, kayaknya kaya karena dia seringkali jalan dengan headphone mahal dan naik vespa yang ngebikin gw ngiler. Namun hidupnya sangat sengsara. Ceritanya sendiri dapat menjadi bahan sebuah novel bagus. Tapi mereka malah lebih menceritakan sisi ranjang. Dasar dunia.

Pada akhirnya, gw dan temen-temen gw keluar studio dengan bete, tetapi penuh tawa. Kita telah membuang Rp 25.000. Dan gw ngebuang-buang popcorn buat nonton film itu. Dan tidak, gw gak bakal ngebuat penilaian. Sangat klise.

NB. Karakter utamanya norak, menyedihkan, cengeng dan dimainkan dengan jelek, gw jadi makin kangen sama cewek bisu tadi.

PS. All grammatical errors can be either typo, intentional mistake, or a little bit of both.
NB. Semua kesalahan tata bahasa bisa merupakan salah ketik, kesalahan disengaja, atau gabungan keduanya.

Saturday, May 30, 2009

First Post!! PERTAMAX

So... this will be my first post. Hope that it won't be the last. Now why should I start a blog now? I never thought of myself as a blogger. I certainly lack the capacity to continue on things like this. Just now I was tempted to play World of Warcraft. If I look into the past, there are countless diaries, journals, etc, that has passed me by (even Twitter was too much for me to cope with). Bygones will be bygones.

Strange enough, I have a feeling that this blog will be something different. I just can't explain it, but somehow I can feel that I will post a lot of stuff. It's true that lately, reading Pramoedya Ananta Toer's novels really opened a door in me, that makes me want to express more in writing. Or maybe it was me watching a sim in The Sims 3 having a ball writing a novel and getting a paycheck every now and then from his royalty. Or maybe, the adrenaline caused by yesterday deadlines is still hanging around, so I just have to thank the Scientific Paper (oh how I love to translate things :p ), kidding, term paper.

After thinking for some time, I've decided that I will try to make a bilingual blog. Although I won't try to make an exact translation.. just a brief translation so that my message can be read by all. So without further ado... my blog.

Jadi... inilah post pertama gw. Semoga bukan yang terakhir. Buat apa gw bikin ini blog? Gw gak pernah ngebayangin diri gw sebagai seorang blogger. Yang pasti gw kurang niat buat ngelanjutin hal-hal kayak begini. Baru aja gw kegoda buat main WoW. Kalo gw liat kebelakang, udah ada banyak diari, jurnal, dan bahkan Twitter yang terlupakan. Yang lewat, lewatlah sudah.

Anehnya, entah kenapa gw punya perasaan kalo blog ini bakal beda. Gw gak bisa jelasin, tapi entah kenapa gw rasa gw bakal banyak nge-post. Emang sih akhir-akhir ini, ngebaca novel-novel Pramoedya Ananta Toes ngebikin gw bersemangat sastra. Atau mungkin semua ini gara-gara gw main The Sims 3, dan karakter gw berbahagia bikin novel dan dapet royalti. Atau bahkan gara-gara semangat melawan garis mati kemarin (haha, kalo inggris gw asal-asalin, bahasa indonesia juga dong :p), terima kasih karya ilmiah.

Setelah berpikir berapa lama, gw milih untuk ngebuat blog dwibahasa (budayakan bahasa indonesia... satu kata demi satu kata). Kalopun gw gak bkal menerjemahkan secara pas, tapi secara kurang lebih supaya pesan gw bisa kesampaikan. Tanpa basa-basi... inilah blog gw.