Saturday, May 30, 2009

First Post!! PERTAMAX

So... this will be my first post. Hope that it won't be the last. Now why should I start a blog now? I never thought of myself as a blogger. I certainly lack the capacity to continue on things like this. Just now I was tempted to play World of Warcraft. If I look into the past, there are countless diaries, journals, etc, that has passed me by (even Twitter was too much for me to cope with). Bygones will be bygones.

Strange enough, I have a feeling that this blog will be something different. I just can't explain it, but somehow I can feel that I will post a lot of stuff. It's true that lately, reading Pramoedya Ananta Toer's novels really opened a door in me, that makes me want to express more in writing. Or maybe it was me watching a sim in The Sims 3 having a ball writing a novel and getting a paycheck every now and then from his royalty. Or maybe, the adrenaline caused by yesterday deadlines is still hanging around, so I just have to thank the Scientific Paper (oh how I love to translate things :p ), kidding, term paper.

After thinking for some time, I've decided that I will try to make a bilingual blog. Although I won't try to make an exact translation.. just a brief translation so that my message can be read by all. So without further ado... my blog.

Jadi... inilah post pertama gw. Semoga bukan yang terakhir. Buat apa gw bikin ini blog? Gw gak pernah ngebayangin diri gw sebagai seorang blogger. Yang pasti gw kurang niat buat ngelanjutin hal-hal kayak begini. Baru aja gw kegoda buat main WoW. Kalo gw liat kebelakang, udah ada banyak diari, jurnal, dan bahkan Twitter yang terlupakan. Yang lewat, lewatlah sudah.

Anehnya, entah kenapa gw punya perasaan kalo blog ini bakal beda. Gw gak bisa jelasin, tapi entah kenapa gw rasa gw bakal banyak nge-post. Emang sih akhir-akhir ini, ngebaca novel-novel Pramoedya Ananta Toes ngebikin gw bersemangat sastra. Atau mungkin semua ini gara-gara gw main The Sims 3, dan karakter gw berbahagia bikin novel dan dapet royalti. Atau bahkan gara-gara semangat melawan garis mati kemarin (haha, kalo inggris gw asal-asalin, bahasa indonesia juga dong :p), terima kasih karya ilmiah.

Setelah berpikir berapa lama, gw milih untuk ngebuat blog dwibahasa (budayakan bahasa indonesia... satu kata demi satu kata). Kalopun gw gak bkal menerjemahkan secara pas, tapi secara kurang lebih supaya pesan gw bisa kesampaikan. Tanpa basa-basi... inilah blog gw.

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