Monday, June 15, 2009

New Macbook... Macbook Baru...

So I haven’t written a lot of stuff lately. Lately I’ve been distracted with... online games and also The Sims 3! Omg, these games are just to addicting for me. It has been a week since I start playing them non-stop. Like, I know I have to stop but then again it’s such a guilty pleasure :p

So 2 days ago my father came home with, A MACBOOK. Yay! Happy me. But what a surprise when I heard that this was for my mother! My god, I can’t even imagine my mom with any kind of computer, but a macbook?! Phew... Today me and my father, we went to The Ambasador Mall to buy some programs for the new mac.

Akhir-akhir ini gw jarang nulis di blog. Gara-gara... game online, dan Sims 3. Gila game-game beginian candu banget, enak bagai ganja tapi gak bisa berhentinya :p. Udah seminggu gw main-main, gak berhenti lagi! Gw tahu harus berhenti, cuma udah candu haduh...

Dua hari yang lalu bokap gw pulang membawa, MACBOOK. YES! Seru-seru... Tapi gw kaget parah, karena itu buat nyokab gw! O.o Gila, gw gak bisa bayangin nyokab gw pake macbook. Dan akhirnya gw sama bokap gw hunting dvd buat mac hehe.


One of the best part of having a mac, is the user friendly, PHOTOBOX!! Me and my sister just couldn’t resist but to try it ourselves.

Salah satu yang paling seru dari macbook adalah, PHOTOBOX!! Gw sama kakak gw gak tahan dan akhirnya kita main-main hehe.

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Paris, Je T'Aime (continued)

Quais de Seine (Ve arrondissement)

I like this short film because it shows how love doesn't care about backgrounds. A young man is hanging out with his friend. His friends like to taunt women passing by. Then, the young man finds friendship with a young Muslim woman. Simple, but the moral

Film pendek ini gw suka karena menunjukan cinta tidak melihat latar belakang. Seorang pemuda nongkrong dengan temen-temennya. Temen-temen dia suka ngegoda cewek lewat. Sang pemuda lalu menemukan hubungan dengan seorang muslimah. Simpel, tapi pesannya menusuk!

Bastille (XIIe arrondissement)

A man is prepared to have a divorce when his wife showed him the docter's report. SHE HAS LEUKIMIA?! dum dum dum~?! Then, he decides to stay with his wife. After pretending to be a man in love, he once again become a man in love.
This film depicts its story in a very... different yet cool way! Serious through and through but you'll laugh at the small slapstick jokes it has!

Seorang om-om udah mau mencerai istrinya, tiba-tiba istrinya memperlihatkan kertas dokter. DIA KENA LEUKIMA STADIUM AKHIR?! dum dum dum~?! Lalu ia memilih untuk mendampingi istrinya. Setelah berpura-pura menjadi orang yang jatuh cinta, akhirnya ia pun menjadi orang yang jatuh cinta.
Ini film menggunakan cara penyampaian yang... keren parah! Serius sepanjang film tapi selalu diselipin lelucon slapstick yang kocak!

Tour Eiffel (VIIe arrondissement)

This film is written and directed by a French animator. It's a love story of the parents of a kid. Both parents are mimes. This film very funny because it shows us a character who simply wants to find happiness in the society.

Film yang satu ini ditulis dan disutradarai oleh seorang animator. Menceritakan kisah cinta kedua orang tua seorang anak kecil. Keduanya pantomim. Film ini kocak banget karena memperlihatkan karakter pantomim yang berusaha menemukan kebahagiaan diantara manusia biasa.

Place des fetes (XIXe arrondissement)

A Nigerian-French men is dying and is being treated by a woman paramedic. It turns out that he has fallen in love with here some time previously. By the time she realizes, he died. She held the coffe cups in her hand that he previously asked for them, she was crying.
In the begining, it was rather biased, the story. But in the end, it was a very touching and sad film. Rarely I felt so bad looking at 2 cups of coffe.

Seorang pria Nigeria-Prancis, sekarat dan sedang dirawat seorang paramedis wanita. Ternyata ia telah lama jatuh cinta pada pandangan pertama pada dahulu kala. Pada akhirnya pria tersebut mati, dan wanita itu telat sadar. Dengan sedih ia memegang dua gelas kopi yang dipesan pria tersebut untuk mereka berdua.
Pada awalnya, film ini tidak jelas. Namun pada akhirnya, film ini sedih banget. Jarang-jarangnya gw ngerasa begitu sedih ngeliat 2 gelas kopi.

Quartier de la Madeleine (VIIIe arrondissement)

This one, is honestly very cool! Because, it's black and white (plus a bit of red, etc). The theme is vampire love~ but much better than *cough* TWILIGHT *cough* (eventhough I haven't watched it yet haha)
One late night, a backpacker saw a vampiress biting (and killing) her victim. OMG~ Then he was ambushed by her, but they were lovestrucked with each other. The vampiress wanted to leave, but then the backpacker took a broken bottle, cut his hand, and offers his blood to her. She refused. OH NO! His blood won't stop flowing! Shocked, he fell off a stair and hit his head hard. He was dying in a pool of blood. But before he died, the vapiress gave here blood to him. And so he lived on as a vampire. In the end they 'kissed', aka the bit each others neck. AWW~ SO SWEET~

Yang satu ini, jujur keren abis. Soalny hitam putih (ya tambah dikit warna merah dll). Temanya cinta vampir, tapi jauh lebih keren dari *uhuk2* twilight *uhuk2* (padahal belom nonton haha).
Suatu malam, seorang backpacker melihat seorang vampir menyerang mangsa manusia, kaget dong~ hehe. Terus, dia juga dikagetin sama itu vampir! Tapi, setelah saling tatap, mereka kayak saling terkesima. Vampirnya pergi, tapi backpackernya malah ngambil pecahan botol, ngiris tangannya, dan nawarin. Tapi vampirnya gak sudi. EH! Luka di tangannya gak nutup! Darahnya bocor haha. Terus dia shock, jatoh ke tangga, dan sekarat berdarah-darah. Sebelom mati, vampir itu ngasih darahnya ke mulut dia. Alhasil dia tetep hidup, cuma jadi vampir juga. Mereka akhirnya 'ciuman', alias saling menggigit leher masing-masing. AWWW~ LUTCHU NAH~

Faubourg Saint-Denis (Xe arrondissement)

A blind man, mistakenly believed that his girlfriend is braking up with him. Then he had a flashback of the times they had. Their first encounter, getting closer, loving each other, and the decline of their relationship.
This film shows the paranoia of the blind man with such power. We can really feel the emotional shock that is happening with him.

Seorang pria buta, salah mengira bahwa pacarnya ingin memutuskannya. Lalu ia membayangkan kembali masa-masa mereka bertemu, makin dekat, saling mencintai, hingga mulai menjauh.
Film ini benar-benar menunjukan paranoia dari pria buta tersebut. Dan kita dapat merasakan betapa terguncang emosinya pada saat itu.

I wanted to write more of the movies, but there is so much!

Gw pengen sih nulis lebih banyak lagi, tapi males banget!



oh senang nya, so happy!

17 seventeen 17 tujuhbelas 17 seventeen 17 tujuhbelas 17

nb. update buat paris je t'aime gw postpone... tapi dah gw siap2 kok hehe
ps. the updates for paris je t'aime is postponed... but i've written some of it :D

Sunday, June 7, 2009

Paris, Je T'Aime

In the "How well do you know Indra Prasasto" quiz I made in FB, I wrote that one of the dvds I have but I never watched before is 'Paris, Je T'Aime'. Today I'm sick, so I watched it!

Di kuis 'Seberapakah lo kenal Indra Prasasto' di FB, gw tulis kalo salah satu dvd film yang gw punya tapi blom gw tonton adalah 'Paris, Je T'Aime'. Berhubung hari ini gw sakit, gw tonton deh!

'Paris Je T'Aime' (2006)

From Wikipedia:
Paris, je t'aime (French for "Paris, I love you") is a 2006 film starring an ensemble cast of actors of various nationalities including American, British and French. The two-hour film consists of eighteen short films set in different arrondissements. The 21 directors include Gurinder Chadha, Sylvain Chomet, Joel and Ethan Coen, Gerard Depardieu, Wes Craven, Alfonso Cuarón, Nobuhiro Suwa, Alexander Payne, Tom Tykwer, Walter Salles and Gus Van Sant.

The film premiered at the Cannes Film Festival on 18 May, opening the Un Certain Regard selection. It had its Canadian premiere at the Toronto Film Festival on 10 September and its U.S. premiere in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania on 9 April 2007.[1] First Look Pictures acquired the North American rights, and the film opened in the United States on 4 May 2007.

Dari Wikipedia:

Paris, je t'aime (Bahasa Prancis untuk (Paris, Aku Cinta Kamu) adalah sebuah film tahun 2006 yang dimainkan beberapa aktor dari beberapa negara termasuk Amerika, Inggris, dan Prancis. Film 2 jam ini terdiri dari 18 film pendek yang terjadi di arrondissement (sektor) yang berbeda. Film ini disutradarai oleh 21 sutradara termasuk Gurinder Chadha, Sylvain Chomet, Joel dan Ethan Coen, Gerard Depardieu, Wes Craven, Alfonso Cuarón, Nobuhiro Suwa, Alexander Payne, Tom Tykwer, Walter Salles dan Gus Van Sant.

Film ini pertama kali dimainkan di Festival Film Cannes, 18 May, membuka kelompok Un Certain Regard. Lalu pertama kali dimainkan di Kanada pada Festival Film Toronto pada 10 September, dan di Amerika di Pittsburgh, Pennsyvania pada 9 April 2007.

Phew, long text but not so important. haha. In those text, we learned that this film has 18 short films in it. Originally, there was 20 short films, each representing the 20 arrondissements of Paris. But 2 of those film were not included. Honestly, I would love to write about all the stories... But, I'm too lazy to do so :p. So, here are my favorites...

Wew, panjang cuma gak penting haha. Yang perlu diperhatikan adalah, film ini terdiri dari 18 film pendek. Aslinya, film ini terdiri dari 20 film pendek. Mengikuti 20 sektor di Paris. Namun karena beberapa kendala, 2 film tidak jadi dimasukan. Jujur, mau gw bahas semua film pendeknya. Tapi cuma beberapa aja gara-gara... males haha. Inilah bagian-bagian favorit gw.

to be continued...


Sick... Sakit...

Damn! Today I woke up early with a tingly pain in my stomach. But I still persist on going cycling with my father. At Sudirman, I just couldn't stand the pain. And so I went back home by taxi. Today, I missed a lot of appointments...
  • Nacel's Re-Orientation
  • A Meeting at PIM
  • Sisna's Birthday at Amigos
ARGHH! I hate it when I'm sick!

Aduh hari ini gw bangun pagi, diajak naik sepeda sama bokap. Kalopun gw ada rasa sakit entah kenapa di perut, gw pergi aja. Seperjalanan gw nahan sakit, antara masuk angin sama diare... Gila di sudirman gw gak tahan. Langsung gw balik naik taksi. Sementara itu gw jadi kelewatan beberapa hal penting hari ini.
  • Re-Orientasi Nacel
  • Kumpul-kumpul di PIM
  • Ultah Sisna di Amigos
WAAA! Sumpah gw gak suka sakit!

Thursday, June 4, 2009


I just had to post this...

Gw cuma pengen ngasih liat ini...

(Not) a Fun Thursday... (Bukan) Hari Kamis yang Menyenangkan...

It has been a while since me and my friends decided to have a gathering today. WE WERE SUPPOSE TO! Well, my friends did, without me. Yesterday, my toothache got worse, so much worse. So today I had to go to the dentist. Really! It hurt so much I wanted to cry! Then suddenly my mom came with PONSTAN YAY!!! The day is saved.

After today's test (very hard I tell you), I had to go immediately to the dentist. BUT, my little brother is so preoccupied with his friends that he got out late, because he was playing with tyres (O.o)? I was so angry with him. At the hospital, I immediately went to the receptionist, cut the line (haha), and ran to the mouth department. There, I saw... THE DOCTOR WAS READY TO GO HOME! and so I begged...

me: "Sir, I had an appointment earlier but I am late..."
docter: "My my.. why just now?"
me: "My little brother got out the school late..."
docter: *looks at my fat little brother who has a very sad face because I was angry with him*
"Fine... come on.."

I was diagnosed quickly, all the time I was paranoid that the docter had a grudge on me because I was late, and that he would prick my tooth nerves with his 'utensils'. Luckily, it didn't hurt a bit, yay~

Alright, I'm glad. But I didn't get to swim with my friends at Ais's T.T aggrhhh!

Udah sejak beberapa hari yang lalu, gw sama temen-temen gw sepakat buat kumpul-kumpul hari ini. HARUSNYA. Tapi gara-gara kemaren sakit gigi gw kambuh parah, hari ini gw harus ke dokter gigi. Sumpah, kemaren sakit giginya PARAAAAH banget. Mau nangis gw. Untung nyokab gw datang dengan PONSTAN.!! Hari gw terselamatkan.

Setelah ujian hari ini (yang susah), gw akhirny harus langsung pulang. Tapi, adek gw yang G 4 UL harus pulang lama gara-gara main ban di gedung serba guna (??). Gw udah nge bentak-bentak dia. Akhirnya sesampai di RSPP, gw langsung ke resepsionis, nyerobot, lari cepat-cepat ke bagian gigi. Sesampainya, DOKTERNYA UDAH MAU PULANG. Gw langsung memohon...

gw: "Pak, saya tadi udah ada janjian, tapi saya telat"
dokter: "Aduh, kenapa baru sekarang?"
gw: "Tadi adik saya telat keluarnya..."
dokter: *melihat adek gw yang gendut dan mukanya madesu gara-gara gw bentak-bentakin*
"yasudah ayo

Gw langsung di diagnosa kilat, sepanjang waktu gw takut tuh dokter dendam sama gw yang telat dengan nusuk-nusuk syaraf gigi gw tanpa ampun. Tapi untungnya gak sakit sama sekali hore~

Seneng sih seneng. Tapi gw gak ikut renang-renang di rumah ais T.T aaaaa males....

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Math Killed Us... Kita Dibunuh Matematika...

Today's test starts just like any other test (well, yesterday's tests) it starts with the socialization subjects (no time, or capacity to explain). Pkn aka. Citizenship Studies, which is just another way of calling political studies. I couldn't do all the questions, and in the end I had to give in and just do my best. Although I know 'my best' isn't that good either. Since the dawn of time, I've always known that Pkn and Indra is not match made in heaven.

Who cares... pkn is not that important anyway. SO.... the clock pointed 10.00 (or was it 9.30? I'm not good with numbers haha) and the bell rang...

everyone: "AHHHHHHHH... (runs to class)"

Math Test started. I stared at the questions... fuck. So many numbers! (like duh~) And so.. I started to try, to find, the answer,s of the questions. Oh woe is me for doing this test of forty... (bad attempt of Shakespeare talk). In the middle of the test out math teacher, Mr. Nanang came in..

A: "Sir!! It's hard!!"
B: "It's not just me right? Gosh it's hard sir!"
C: "Thank god, I'm not the only one having a hard time..."
all: "SIR! HARD! *%$*^ sir! ^%$*% ha...&^%$&^% ard...^%$*^%$ SIRRR!!!!!" (mr. Nanang left...)
test watcher: "sussshhh, you're all making to much noise" (sudden silence)

Something differs from the last 3 tests. In this particular one, almost no one left the class before the bell rang. Although some from other classes did, our class persisted until the bell rang. After the bell rang, everyone got out. Some brought papers with their answers so they can check with others who did the same, some started asking here and there, the third floor was filled with stressed students... and now... I fast forward...

sometime later, chez Ais...

We thougt we were going to study effectively, but we didn't. I mean, how could we? Math has given us one of its biggest challange yet, and tomorow we'll have 2 of the most boring subjects, Islamic studies and chemistry...

To study, or not to study, is sadly not the question. But there was one (that you should know haha) thing that we did. Koto started it. It was told, that when we give ourselves to water, that we will be calm, contemplated, our body rejuvenated, our soul cleansed. Serene... grace... And so we prepared....

And we gave all our body and soul to the water in front of us...

Serenity... We have witnesed, how our souls are cleansed. Every of inch of our body is rejoicing from this newly found peace. Our problems washed away by the water. All evil in this world seemed to perish. All seemed beautiful... until...

keisha: "You are all a bunch of morrons and buffons..."
all: "HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH" (serenity, ended...)

Tes hari ini seperti kemaren dimulai dengan pelajaran sosialisasi. Pkn. Gak semua soal bisa gw kerjain, pada akhirnya gw harus pasrah dan melakukan yang terbaik. Dan terbaik kayaknya gak bagus-bagus banget. Dari dulu gw gak pernah ngerasa pkn dan Indra itu jodoh.

Ah, pkn gak penting. Jam menunjukan 10.00 (ato 9.30 ya? lupa haha) dan bel berbunyi.

semua: "AAAHHHHHHHH.... (lari ke kelas)"

Tes matematika mulai. Gw melotot ngeliatin soalnya! Gila! Banyak angkanya (yaiyalah~). Akhirnya gw kerjain, satu persatu, menit demi menit, soal demi soal, oh susahnya~ Ditengah-tengah tes guru matematika kita, Pak Nanang masuk

A: "Pak! Susah!!"
B: "Bukan cuma gw kan, aduh susah pak!"
C: "Alhamdulillah bukan cuma gw yang kesusahan..."
semua: "pak! susah! %$* pak! *%#%& sus...&^% ah... PAK!!!!" (pak nanang keluar)
guru penjaga: "hussh kalian berisik" (sunyi senyap tiba-tiba)

Dan berbeda dengan tes-tes sebelumnya, tes yang satu ini hampir gak ada yang keluar sebelum bel berbunyi. Mungkin kelas lain ada, tapi yang pasti ruangan 9 tahan. Bel berbunyi lagi, dan semua keluar. Ada yang bawa kertas untuk mencocokan jawaban, ada yang langsung tanya-tinyi sana-sini (bhs indonesia baik dan benarkah?), satu lantai penuh dengan siswa-siswi stress... selanjutnya, gw percepat

beberapa lama kemudian, di kediaman Ais...

Niatnya kita semua belajar, tapi akhirnya kita hanya belajar sedikit. Gimana gak? Matematika yang bikin stress parah udah lewat, dan besoknya adalah 2 pelajaran yang membosankan, agama dan kimia.

Tapi masalah belajar gak belajar sebenernya gak penting. Tapi ada suatu kejadian, yang dipelopori Koto. Konon, dengan melakukan penyerahan diri terhadap air, diri kita akan menjadi tenang, terkontemplasi, dan jiwa raga akan suci kembali dari kepusingan yang melanda... maka kami bersiap-siap.....

Dan menyerahkan seluruh jiwa dan raga kepada air di hadapan kita.....

Ternyata benar, kami semua merasa kesucian kami kembali. Segala penat di dalam dada hanyut sudah dibawa air. Segala kekejaman, kenistaan, keburukan dunia pun serasa sirna. Semua terasa indah... sampai....

keisha: "Lo semua adalah orang tergoblok yang pernah gw liat..."
semua: "WAKAKAKAKAKKAKA" (penyerahan diri, selesai...)

Monday, June 1, 2009

Relaxing in Between... Istirahat Sementara...

Studying seems to be boring, not a surprise. It's so hard with all these temptations. I mean today, the study rendez-vous started late because we just had to watch a dvd, gosh... Meanwhile, back home, I also tried to study. Just a couple of math problems and poof, I'm bored to death. So this is me relaxing in between...

Belajar ternyata masih menjenuhkan, seperti biasa. Susah banget ngejauhin diri dari godaan-godaan. Hari ini aja, belajar sama-sama ketunda gara-gara nonton dvd. Halah... Sementara itu, di rumah gw juga nyoba belajar. Baru beberapa soal gw kerjain gw dah bete haha. Jadi inilah hasil gw istirahat setelah belajar...

Another Independent Movie? Nice!... Film Independen Lagi? Bagus!...

Usually when I open Google Chrome, I click Facebook, Hotmail, and this Blog from my bookmarks toolbar (and sometimes Kaskus... gan). For those who has Facebook (and I believe most of you do), we all know the new highlights window to the rigt. Okay, sometimes they show crap (4 Friends is a Fan of Adam Lambert, who cares~). But this particular highlight stole my attention.

Kebiasaan gw sekarang kalau buka Google Chrome adalah, Facebook, Hotmail, Blog ini, dan kadang-kadang Kaskus... gan. Bagi mereka yang punya FB (dan gw rasa sebagian punya) pasti sadar bagian highlights di kanan. Kadang-kadang emang gak penting sih (6 friends are a fan of Jeng Kelin, emang gw pikirin~). Tapi satu highlight mengundang perhatian gw.

cin(T)a the movie

Saira Jihan/Sunny Soon
Screenplay By:
Sally Anom Sari/Sammaria
Directed By:
Sammaria Simanjuntak
Produced By:
Sembilan Matahari Film - Moonbeam Creations
Plot Outline:
Cina (Sunny Soon), an 18 year-old college freshmen, was ready to conquer the world with a strong, yet naïve, faith since it had never been tested by failure.

Annisa (Saira Jihan), is a 24 year-old college senior whose education was held back because of her career in the movie industry. Her fame and beauty left her so lonely that she drew a sad face on her finger as her companion. Until one day, another finger came and she was no longer lonely.

God (Tuhan), is the most unpredictable character. Everybody tries to describe Him. Everybody thought they knew Him. Every art tried to figure Him. But nothing is really like Him...or Her.

God loved Cina and Annisa, but Cina and Annisa could not love each other because they called God by different names.


ProducerM. Adi Panuntun/M. Budi Sasono/Sammaria
Executive Producer Roland Samosir/Kathleen Lee
Director Sammaria Simanjuntak
Screenplay Sally Anom Sari/Sammaria
Director of Photography Budi Sasono
Assistant Director of Photography Arie Prabowo
First Assistant Director Burhan Yogaswara
Second Assistant Director Yunitantri
Production Manager Erika Suwarno
Casting Director Nora Samosir
Production Assistant Widya Ekarianie/Fauziah R. S./Dina Rismala/Galih Rakasiwi/Awal Wahyu Rahmadi/Asep Ramdhan/Reza Andika/Shendi Abdi Maulana
Art Director Rezki Ridha
Assistant Art Director Firmansyah
Wardrobe Director Yufie Safitri Sobari
Assistant Wardrobe Director Wenti
Editor Anky Prasetya
Sound Editor Andri Yargana
Composer Muhammad Betadikara
Additional Composer Gugun Strangers/Lanlan Strangers
Behind the Scene Rizky Budi Ramdhani
Photographer Glam Photoloft-Wei Xu/Pepen/Elsa
Graphic Designer Endira Fitriasti Julianda
Titling Designer Erickson Siregar
Publicist A. Andiarti
Film Promotion Dini A. Murdeani
Soundtrack Homogenic/The Ababiels Attack

Nah apa nih film? Gw sendiri kagak tau. HAHA. Tapi dilihat dari posternya yang keren parah, fan page-nya yang penuh dengan komen, fans-fans yang gak berhenti memohon "Ayo dong diputer di Indonesia~", dan jadwal penayangannya di Inggris. wow... jadi pengen tahu.

What the heck is this film? Dunno. LOL. But from the super cool poster, its fan page full of comments, fans asking "When will it play in Indonesia?" non-stop, and its busy screening scheduele in UK. I just have to know!

Wordle Wordle Wordle~

Why won't I translate the words above to Bahasa Indonesia? I don't think there are any word in Bahasa Indonesia that translates it. Wordle is an online program where we can make pictures of 'clouds' of words. From words we input, or from a website. Actually, I've found this site a long time ago. But I just want to make another one and share it :D. Today, I don't know any words to input on my own, so I open the one website that surely has a lot of words, WIKIPEDIA. Then I opened today's Featured Article, so I present to you, Tropical Cyclone...

Kenapa gak gw terjemahin judul diatas? Gw rasa gak ada terjemahannya. Wordle adalah program online dimana kita bisa membuat gambar 'awan' kata dari kumpulan kata yang kita masukan. Kata-kata yang bisa masukan dapat berasal dari website atau kumpulan kata-kata yang kita buat sendiri. Sebenernya gw udah temuin website ini sejak lama. Tapi tiba-tiba pengen main lagi :D. Dan berhubung gw bingung mw masukin daftar kata apa, gw buka website yang pasti ada banyak kata WIKIPEDIA. Trus gw buka Featured Article.. inilah Tropical Cyclone...

Argh, the picture's not so big. But at least it's cool. ;)

Aduh, gambarnya gak gede, haha. Tapi keren lah ;)